Friday, November 6, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me

It's my birthday today and I'm sick with the swine flu. My Man likes to be medically accurate and call it hiney (you know, H1N1?). Release the balloons and unfurl the crepe paper. What funner thing to do during the convalescence period than elicit sympathy from my readers. Both of you. We've all been at various stages of sickness throughout the week. Some are now getting better, some are just now starting with a fever.

Here's a few pictures to make up for my appeal for sympathy.

This picture was taken a few weeks ago. The wind last weekend took all the leaves off. It was beautiful while it lasted.

Our pond.

Here's my little Music Man playing the new flute we bought last month. As we were driving home after we bought the thing this child was literally vibrating. He kept one hand on the case the whole way. We played "I spy". His turn: I spy...with my little eye...something that begins...with the letterrrrrrrr......F! We all guessed flute, but of course we were wrong. It was flute CASE. Duh.

I found this picture on my camera, but I have no idea how it got there. It's an interesting little scene. What you really need to see is the city in our basement. I'll have to get a few pictures of that, because I'd just be willing to bet you've never seen an entire city built out of paper and tape before.

With the flu here, our entire week of school has been a wash. Oh well. What can ya do? Hope the rest of you are faring better.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Late Summer on the Farm

Garlic hanging to dry in the garage

I've never grown cabbage with so little bug/worm damage in my life!

We started out with a bare lot ten years ago. Now we have a nice yard, pond, and our trees are even getting to be a decent size. That's our Princess in front of the birch tree on the right.

Our male bourbon reds enjoying the shade of Old Reliable, my favorite truck ev-uh.

"Patty", a.k.a. "Buttercup", a.k.a. "Ruby Jr." When she was first born a year ago in April, I could pick her up.

The Princess and Fluffy: Reprise (see post from April 5)

This years' rookies: our teenager chickens. Hopefully they will start laying eggs soon.

Winner of the "carrot of the year" award.

Winner of the "beet of the year" award.

Training for the 2012 Olympics

Random "Secret Picnic" Highlights

We took the month of August off from school. Each week we had a Secret Picnic. I invited ourselves over to the homes of friends and family members for a picnic, but wouldn't tell the kids where. On the way, they wore blindfolds so it would be a surprise where we ended up picnicking. We had a lot of fun and a lot of good visiting. Thank you to all of our hosts and hostesses!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Shows We Like

Last year:

This year:

Friday, May 29, 2009

Turkey Chicks

See the egg second from the left? There's a little egg tooth chipping through that shell.

Here's a rare glimpse. Usually the mamas keep this kind of thing under wraps. So now we know there's at least one chick back there...

...I see a tiny turkey foot...

...and there's the head that goes with that foot!

Our happy turkey family is growing. Four chicks so far, and more to come, we hope!